This beautiful gift edition Bible is specifically designed for girls making their First Communion. There is a Prayer Section containing the Lord’s Prayer, a listing of the Sacraments, the Rosary, and the Apostles’ Creed . A beautiful section showing the Holy Rosary and The Stations of the Cross is in full color.
- Certificate of First Communion
- Prayer Section
- The Ten Commandments
- The Beatitudes
- The Sacraments
- Precepts of the Church
- The Rosary
- 9 point type
- Double-column format
- Book Introductions
- Full Color 8-page Family Record Section
- Colorful Rosary and Stations Section
- Study Notes
- 7 black and white pictures of the Holy Land
- Chronology of the History of Israel
- Formation of the People of God from 1900 to 1000
- Yahwistic Royalty 1000 to 586
- Judaism from 586 to Jesus Christ
- Cross-References
- Bible Dictionary
- Sunday Readings at Mass
- Doctrinal Bible Index
- Fan-tab index
- Blue edge pages
- 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ x 1 1/2″
- Softcover