The Rosary of Our Lady

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SKU: 9780918477781 Category:


by Fr. Romano Guardini

If you already say the Rosary, this book will help you pray it with greater devotion. If you don’t say the Rosary, you’ll discover why you should—and how to begin.

Unlike most Rosary books, The Rosary of Our Lady doesn’t assume you already have a special love for Mary. Rather, it shows why such love is appropriate to all Christians who yearn to grow closer to Christ.

In these pages, you’ll learn how to pray the Rosary as it was meant to be prayed and to identify—and overcome—the bad habits that too easily develop in those of us who pray the Rosary often.

Whether you’ve already spent many hours praying the Rosary or only want a simple, clear, and holy book to introduce the Rosary to a relative or friend, then this book is the book for you. You’ll also learn:

  • How to take your daily concerns with you to the Rosary—and leave them there.
  • Who should—and shouldn’t—pray the Rosary
  • What makes up the Rosary? The beads? The thoughts behind them? Or must there be something deeper?
  • The paradox of the Rosary: Why is the Rosary both easy and difficult?
  • How much of the Rosary should you be praying?
  • How to pray the Rosary . . . even in times of exhaustion and stress.
  • The one petition you must make if you’re going to pray the Rosary well.
  • The “paramount truth” that is the key to linking the words of your prayers to the mystery you’re contemplating.
  • Three practical hints for those who have difficulty with the Rosary.